Group identity is a central aspect of political behaviour. In a series of fMRI experiments we explore the neural correlates of this behaviour and ask what additional information this can provide beyond the more traditional large-scale cross-sectional surveys of political attitides and behaviour.
Identity and Empathy for Others’ Pain
This study examines the extent to which our identities shape the extent to which we feel empathy for others’ pain. This research is conducted with our colleagues from the Interacting Minds Centre at the University of Aarhus.
Identity and Cooperative Behaviour
Participants take part in a stag hunt to examine how the relationship between our identity and that of our partner impacts upon our willingess to cooperate with others or our propensity to defect.
Identity During an Interactive Game
We explore the relationship between identity and its relating emotional processing in the social context while participants play an interactive game in an fMRI environment.
Face-emotion coding and eye-tracking
Working with our partners at CrowdEmotion we are testing the applicability of face-emotion coding approaches to political behaviour.
Engagement with audio-visual information
We are testing how the public respond to different representations of audio-visual materials with contemporary political relevance – from politicians and in various media delivery formats.
Big-data and cognitive framing in social media
Using big data analysis we are investigating the drivers that form political opinion and how this influences public on debate on contemporary political issues.
We are exploring how the debate on the EU is being framed and reframed in the twitter-sphere and examining how this relates to the cognitive frames that predominate in the offline public and political dialogue and in the more traditional large-scale cross-sectional surveys.
Those with an interest in how the debate on the UK’s referendum on EU membership is playing out in the public imagination should follow our regular analysis of the twitter debate @myimageoftheEU and the Twitter demo.