
Laura convenes the honours level Neuropolitics class as well as contributing to the MSc level class International Politics of the European Union and to the Theory and Practice graduate class.


Laura has supervised a wide range of PhDs. All of these have completed within the recommended 4 year registration period and many now occupy academic posts or public research positions. She is interested in supervising projects on: European identity; banal Europeanism; the neuropolitics of both identity and public policy; physiology, behaviour and identity; implicit identity triggers; experimental approaches to identity and public policy; EU social policy; EU civil society; EU public policy; EU governance and the EU policy process.

Big-data and cognitive framing in social media

Contact Clare Llewellyn – C.A.Llewellyn@sms.ed.ac.uk

Using big data analysis we are investigating the drivers that form political opinion and how this influences public on debate on contemporary political issues.


We are exploring how the debate on the EU is being framed and reframed in the twitter-sphere and examining how this relates to the cognitive frames that predominate in the offline public and political dialogue and in the more traditional large-scale cross-sectional surveys.

Those with an interest in how the debate on the UK’s referendum on EU membership is playing out in the public imagination should follow our regular analysis of the twitter debate @myimageoftheEU and the Twitter demo.